Sincerely, Sherrise
Sincerely, Sherrise
We’re CELEBRATING our 100th episode!!!
Sherrise announces a GIFT GIVEAWAY, introduces the INSIDEOUT CELEBRATINGYOU: In The Season You’re In workshop, and provides Five Essential Steps for Self-Celebration.
She encourages listeners to identify their core values, love themselves, explore their current season, and commit to celebrating themselves.
For a chance to win either of the follow:
- The 30 Day Self-Exploration e-workbook
- The Reflecting and Resetting e-workbook
- A signed copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions and I AM AND I WILL Merch
- An INSIDEOUT Care Package
Complete 1-5 of the below steps:
1. Subscribe to the Sincerely, Sherrise™ YouTube Channel
2. Follow us on Instagram @SincerelySherrise
3. Sign up to our newsletter (via SherriseMarshalleck.com)
4. Comment a down below, via DM or on any of our posts on Social Media
5. Screenshot this episode, add it to your Instagram Story, and tag us
Doing all 5 of the above steps will increase your chances of winning–one or a few are fine also.
BONUS: One lucky winner will receive a complimentary (virtual) CELEBRATINGYOU: In The Season You’re In! Workshop experience hosted by Sherrise Marshalleck
EMAIL US: via info@SherriseMarshalleck.com: Let us know why you’re interested in CELEBRATINGYOU (starting today) and why it’s important to you!
The winners will be announced on Monday 9th September 2024!
Have fun and participate with your loved ones!
All the best!
-Team Sincerely, Sherrise™
Catch Full Episodes of the Sincerely, Sherrise™ Podcast here (via YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@sincerelysherrise/podcasts
Subscribe to the channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@sincerelysherrise
Follow Sherrise here and join the community via @SincerelySherrise
Sign up for our newsletter: https://www.sherrisemarshalleck.com
Grab a copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions. Click here
Want to catch a vibe? Press play on the Sincerely, Sherrise™ Mixxxes: https://www.sherrisemarshalleck.com/inthemixxxwithsincerelysherrise
Maybe you want to tap into Sherrise's personal journals via her blog: https://www.sherrisemarshalleck.com/blog
Have an amazing and blessed day!
-Sincerely, Sherrise
Knowing, understanding and living through the seasons of life allows you to welcome life's natural transitions rather than resisting them. Being grateful for and working best with what you have promotes resourcefulness, creativity and effortless evolution. There is a time to focus on yourself. Set and achieve goals.
Focus on your future plans and successes and a time to slow down and learn about inner strength.
Hello, Beautiful People! Welcome to Sincerely, Sherrise™ a podcast or shall I say a platform centered around wellness, self -care, personal development, creating a positive mindset and growth. I'm your host Sherrise Marshalleck, author of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions! Consider me a friend and confidant. Join me each and every Monday for your weekly dose of positivity.
How you doing? How are you feeling? Please tell me that you're feeling amazing, enthusiastic, happy, joyous, and ready to get your celebration on. Today we're celebrating a Sincerely, Sherrise™ milestone, episode 100.
Thank you for being here with me today and for your continued support. More importantly, today is a day that I celebrate you. Each time that you press play on our episodes, you're being intentional and choosing you. You're investing your precious effort, energy, and time into your wellness, self-care,
personal development, the creation of a positive mindset and growth. Pat yourself on the back and be sure to show your mind, body and spirit some appreciation today and every day that follows. You are beautiful, loved, enlightened, strong, serene, empowered and devoted. In other words, you are blessed.
To celebrate this momentous occasion, we're having a gift giveaway, a gift giveaway. Here's how it works. We're gifting a few subscribers some goodies. The 30 Day Self -Expiration E -Workbook. The Reflecting and Resetting E -Workbook. A signed copy of...
I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions! and I AM AND I WILL merch as well as an INSIDEOUT care package. If you're interested in winning one of the few items that I just mentioned, here's what you have to do. Subscribe to the Sincerely, Sherrise™ YouTube channel down below. Hit the subscribe button please. Follow us on Instagram @SincerelySherrise
Sign up to our newsletter at SherriseMarshalleck.com comment a party hat down below or via DM or under a post on our social media. You can screenshot this episode and add it to your stories on Instagram and tag us.
By doing all five of these steps, you will increase your chance of winning, but one or a few are also fine. You still can win. So let's go.
Please have fun. We look forward to interacting with you and gifting these amazing goodies to you. Feel free to tell your loved ones or your close friends.
A colleague maybe and get them involved in the competition. In all things celebration, today I am celebrating you and sharing a sneak peek of our CELEBRATINGYOU: In The Season You're In! workshop. Are you ready? Please say yes. There are five essential steps to CELEBRATINGYOU: In The Season You're In! and that is Identifying
who you are, creating your core value system and implementing your principles, loving yourself, exploring the season you're currently in and CELEBRATINGYOU: In The Season You're In! no matter what season you're in. Our weekly challenge is all about celebrating you. Identify who you are. Think about your appearance.
the areas of opportunity that you have, your beliefs, things that challenge you, the expressions that you make, you know, non -verbally and verbally, your ikigai, your reason for living, the things that you're passionate about, your personal qualities, your strengths,
the victories that helped to build your identity. Affirm who you are by saying, I AM... AND I WILL... Let's take it a step further. Let's go into the lovely book that is I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions! We're going to literally select a random affirmation. Let's see what we get.
I AM... happy and I WILL... be filled with enjoyment and contentment. Ooh, affirm it today.
Create your value system and implement your principles. Establish your core values. Do you value abundance, affluence, authenticity, bravery, being calm, honesty, personal development, productivity, self -care, wellbeing, wisdom?
whatever it is that you value, explore that today by identifying at least five of your core values, create a list and explore why they're important to you. Love yourself, love. Prioritize you today. Meditate, visualize and pray on your ideal version of love. Create a list of at least 10 ways that you'll commit to loving yourself starting today.
Affirm that love for yourself. Explore the season you're in.
Knowing, understanding and living through the seasons of life allows you to welcome life's natural transitions rather than resisting them. Being grateful for and working best with what you have promotes resourcefulness, creativity and effortless evolution. There is a time to focus on yourself. Set and achieve goals.
Focus on your future plans and successes and a time to slow down and learn about inner strength.
Those are the seasons of life. What season are you currently in? Please let us know in the comments down below. Explore how you feel about being in the season you're in. Don't be shy to be honest about how you feel. And remember that your current season doesn't define you.
Learn in whichever season you're in and love yourself in it regardless. Offer yourself abundant and unconditional love. You've got this. Let's go. Celebrate yourself.
in the season you're in. Now that you've established the season that you're in, you are able to be honest, open and present with yourself, allowing you the opportunity to accept, empower and encourage yourself in whichever period of your life you're in and more importantly, whichever season you're in. Think about five ways that you'll celebrate your mind, body and spirit.
starting today. How will you show gratitude and thanksgiving for your life? What are the action steps that you will take? Establish why celebrating you is important to you. Establish why personal celebration is important to you and make it a priority, not just today, but could be every day or whenever you feel the need to celebrate yourself.
Make a declaration of celebration. Yes. Now that you have established what season you're currently in, You're able to establish how the season is or maybe best serving you. Appreciate the season you're in by declaring its value. Commit to celebrating yourself no matter what and determine
what that celebration will look and feel like, affirm it. For instance, I AM... in the season of abundance, focusing on future plans and my current and future successes.
The season is allowing me to value the opportunity of limitless creations and the utilization of high energy, high vibes, each tool and resource available to me. Being able to focus, follow one course until successful is invaluable to me and welcomes the increase in abundance and successes as well as in wealth, in craft, wellness, growth, adventure, community.
service, family and finances AND I WILL... be committed to celebrating myself in this season by sharing my successes and wins with others. I am feeling generous. One Sincerely, Sherrise™ community member will win a complimentary virtual CELEBRATINGYOU: In The Season You're In session with me as well as the CELEBRATINGYOU: In The Season You're In eWorkbook.
To win this amazing gift, send my team and I an email explaining why you'd like to start celebrating yourself starting today and why the process is important to you.
Ooh, say it with me. I AM... celebrating myself in the season I'm in AND I WILL... commit to personal celebration in each of the seasons of my life. Share this episode with at least three people. By doing that, you'll be inspiring them to be the best version of themselves and helping them to love and understand themselves.
from the INSIDEOUT If you need a little help affirming or maybe you love the affirmations in this episode, don't hesitate to grab a copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions! Join me on Instagram @SincerelySherrise or via my personal Instagram account @SherriseMarshalleck I'd love to say hi and engage a little.
Don't be shy to take a screenshot of this episode or tag me in a picture of you using the workbooks, which are available to download via SherriseMarshalleck.com/SincerelySherrise Please rate and review the Sincerely, Sherrise™ podcast. This is so helpful and would mean so much to my team and I, it only takes a few seconds.
If you'd like to share an affirmation with the Sincerely, Sherrise™ team and I, please feel free to head over to SherriseMarshalleck.com/affirmit to submit your affirmations. Additionally, head over to the blog for some provocative topics, personal journal entries, and so much more via SherriseMarshalleck.com/blog Tune in to the latest Sincerely, Sherrise™ mixxx to catch a vibe via SherriseMarshalleck.com/InTheMixxxWithSincerelySherrise
and learn more about INSIDEOUT: The World Tour of Wellness Experiences via SherriseMarshalleck.com/INSIDEOUT As always, thank you so very much for tuning in and kickstarting your week with me. Until next Monday, have yourself an amazing and blessed week. Sincerely, Sherrise™