Sincerely, Sherrise

How to Use Your T-I-M-E Wisely!

Sherrise Marshalleck

Let’s explore the concept of time and how we can use it more wisely.

In this episode, Sherrise discusses the different categories of time and the importance of being present and grateful. She shares practical tips for honoring meaningful experiences and setting SMART goals; encouraging listeners to prioritize what truly matters and commit to new habits that support appreciation and mindfulness.

For a chance to win either of the follow:

- The 30 Day Self-Exploration e-workbook
- The Reflecting and Resetting e-workbook
- A signed copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions and I AM AND I WILL Merch 
- An INSIDEOUT Care Package

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5. Screenshot this episode, add it to your Instagram Story, and tag us

Doing all 5 of the above steps will increase your chances of winning–one or a few are fine also.

BONUS: One lucky winner will receive a complimentary (virtual) CELEBRATINGYOU: In The Season You’re In! Workshop experience hosted by Sherrise Marshalleck

EMAIL US: via Let us know why you’re interested in CELEBRATINGYOU (starting today) and why it’s important to you!

The winners will be announced on Monday 9th September 2024!
Have fun and participate with your loved ones!

All the best!
-Team Sincerely, Sherrise™


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Have an amazing and blessed day! 

-Sincerely, Sherrise 


If we have an attitude of gratitude, we can be or become fascinated by life and awestruck by the wonderment of our existence and The Infinite Possibilities of Meaningful or Memorable Experiences that are presented to us every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year.

We deserve the opportunity to make the most out of our lives on our own terms.

Hello, beautiful people. Welcome to Sincerely, Sherrise™, a podcast or shall I say a platform centered around wellness, self -care, personal development, creating a positive mindset and growth. I'm your host Sherrise Marshalleck, author of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions! Consider me your friend and confidante. Join me each and every Monday for your weekly dose of

Positivity. Ooh. How you doing? How are you feeling? Please tell me that you're feeling attentive, grateful, and positively intentional. Ooh.

I am feeling all of the positive vibes, especially after celebrating 100 episodes of Sincerely, Sherrise™. Thank you for being a part of this journey. We appreciate and love you so very much. And we also have more to celebrate. The latest Sincerely, Sherrise™ mixxx is here.

Head over to to catch an absolute vibe. Trust me when I say you will be dancing from beginning to end. It's a vibe. It's a vibe. It's a vibe, vibe, vibe. So head over to the site and catch your vibe today.

Today we're talking all about T -I M -E, time. Is it real? Do we value it too much? And how can we use it more wisely? The simple answer is drum rolls, please. You thought we'll get into that a little bit later. I will share what that means later. However, until then, let's explore what time actually is and how we're impacted by it. According to the dictionary,

Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and the future, regarded as a whole. a 

commodity to some, an illusion to others and a social construct that governs many. There are three main categories of time. They are chronological or measured time.

which we have seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years. Ooh, I sound like I'm rapping. We have historical time in relations to events of a certain period or era.

We then have psychological time, the way we relate to our individual encounters and the space that those instances occupy in our psychological life, namely in our minds.

Author Eckhart Tolle of The Power of Now shares that we should learn to use time in the practical aspects of our lives and refers to chronological time as clock time and or practical time.

Toll believes that we should use clock time to complete the day -to -day tasks and then enjoy being present and channeling the power of now free of the obligation of time.

There's also a really beautiful quote by Dr. Anthony P. Witham that reads children spell love as T I M E. With these ideologies in mind, I thought about creating a new concept of time. The Infinite Possibilities of Meaningful or Memorable Experiences. TIME

Get it? If we value time and believe that it's precious, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year should be appreciated to the max. Alternatively, if we believe that time is a social construct and or an illusion, being present and indulging in the now is one of the greatest values and or gifts that life could present us. The common denominators here are appreciation,

gratitude and channeling the power of now. Here's how we can honor The Infinite Possibilities of Meaningful or Memorable experiences. We can be attentive, present and live in the moment. Take in what's happening right now, right in front of us and indulging in it, feeling it, having a sensory experience.

indulge in breath work, strategize, organize and prioritize our lives, set SMART goals, specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant or Realistic and time bound goals. We can simplify our lives and work on living the life of our desires right now. And we can honor and live through our Ikigai our reason for living.

the bonus is if we have an attitude of gratitude, we can be or become fascinated by life and awestruck by the wonderment of our existence and The Infinite Possibilities of Meaningful or Memorable Experiences that are presented to us every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year.

We deserve the opportunity to make the most out of our lives on our own terms.

I recently read the following quote, "Respect the past, but be open to the future." Need I say more? That is an invitation for us to live and enjoy our lives our way. Are you ready to start using your T -I-M -E wisely?

Let's activate The Infinite Meaningful or Memorable experiences starting from today. We have a weekly challenge. We have a weekly challenge. Lean in to the power of now. Indulge in some breath work and be present in this moment. Let's visualize The Infinite Meaningful or Memorable experiences that we're so blessed.

to receive. Join me, please, in some breath work. If you're seated, sit with your hands to the sides of your body. If you're laying down, lay with your arms to the sides of your body if you're able. Gently lighten your gaze and close your eyes. Take a deep breath.

inhaling for four to five seconds and exhale for four to five seconds also inhale for one two three four five and exhale for one two three four five as you inhale deeply

And exhale gently. Take in the current moment. Acknowledge the feeling. As you continue to inhale deeply and exhale gently, channel the power of now. How does it feel to be present? Explore the feeling as you inhale for one, two, three, four, five, and exhale.

For one, two, three, four, five. Welcome the power of now and feeling into your life. As you exhale, release anything that takes you away from being present. The Infinite Possibilities of Meaningful Experiences are at your disposal. Continue inhaling deeply, welcoming.

the beauty of life into your life and exhale gently. Focus your efforts on your breathing and on inner peace, gratitude, happiness, joy, positivity and the fulfilling moment you're currently experiencing, channeling the power of now. Be present in this moment and every moment that follows. Be grateful for this moment of stillness and presence.

before opening your eyes if and when you're ready. Thank your mind, body and spirit for their loyalty.

Prioritize what truly matters to you. Do you need some help to prioritize what truly matters? If you do, we have got you covered. Head over to or shop and grab a copy of the 30 Day Self Exploration E -Workbook and or the Reflecting and Resetting E -Workbook. Both of these are exceptionally useful

personal development tools that will help you on your self discovery and introspective journey.

Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic or Relevant Time-Bound goals. Let's set one together. Starting today, we will commit to appreciating The Infinite, Meaningful or Memorable Experiences by

Rising with gratitude, identifying at least three things that we're grateful for upon rising. We will affirm our gratitude at least once every hour throughout the day, adding three additional things that we're grateful for before we rest at night. to make being present and appreciative and even grateful a daily practice.

this is what we will be doing going forward. Live with intention and start being who you desire to be. Live the life of your desires starting today. Let's go. Let's get it.

Let's utilize Robin Sharma's MVP acronym and Meditate, Visualize and Pray on The Infinite Meaningful and or Memorable experiences that are presented to us or the desires of our heart in order to actualize them. It's said that we become what we think about.

so if we visualize living a life free of stress, we should think about a life of bliss and start welcoming bliss into our lives. It could start with a walk in nature, indulging in breath work or planning our next domestic or international trips. Evaluate your time. How are you utilizing your time?

Are you using your time or is it ruling you? Think carefully about how you can use your practical time. What tasks do you fill your calendar with? How are you capitalizing on practical time to make space for Meaningful experiences? Think about it, comment down below, let us know how you're using your clock time, practical time. Ooh,

Be still. Spend 10 to 15 minutes being present,

it's sitting still, meditating, indulging in a body scan or being in nature, have at least 10 to 15 intentional minutes of undisturbed time.

This practice is most effective at the start of your day when you rise or at the end of your night when you are going to rest. If you'd like to add visualization, you have the option to do so when you meditate. What's also a lovely bonus is journaling about the process once you finished

or maybe even setting a timer to ensure that you dedicate yourself to that 10 to 15 minutes minimum. Please let me know how it goes. Comment down below what meditation, visualization and prayer does for you.

Commit to at least one new habit that will help you stay on track and appreciate The Infinite Possibilities of Meaningful or Memorable experiences. Ooh, will you create affirmations, create SMART goals, be still for at least 10 to 15 minutes daily, evaluate your time, find creative ways to organize,

prioritize and strategize your progress and routines? Will you be indulging in breath work at least once a day? Or whenever you need to declutter your mind and welcome peace into your life by meditating, visualizing and praying? Let us know in the comments what you'll be committing to.

So I did say that there's a simple answer to how we can use The Infinite Possibilities of Meaningful or Memorable experiences wisely and to our advantage. And the answer is be present and grateful.

to show our current gratitude to you. We launched a special gift giveaway last week and we are giving a few special people the chance to win the 30 day self -exploration e -workbook, the reflecting and resetting e -workbook, a signed copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions, as well as i AM AND I WILL merch,

an inside out care package. If you're interested in winning one or a few of these items, here's what you have to do. Subscribe to the Sincerely, Sherrise™ YouTube channel. Follow us on Instagram @SincerelySherrise Sign up to our newsletter. Comment a party hat down below via DM or on any of our social media platforms

and/or screenshot this episode, add it to your stories and tag us @SincerelySherrise or @SherriseMarshalleck by doing all five of those steps. You will increase your chances of winning, but one of a few are fine too. My team and I will track all of the interactions and entries between now and Friday. The winner will be announced Monday, the 9th of September.

to 2024. Have fun. We look forward to interacting with you and gifting these amazing goodies to you also. Feel free to tell your loved ones also and get them involved in the competition. Have fun. Make it a community thing. Say it with me. I AM... Grateful for The Infinite Possibilities of Meaningful and or Memorable Experiences and I will be present.

and lean in to the power of now. this episode with at least three people by doing that you'll be inspiring them to be the best version of themselves and helping them to love and understand themselves from the INSIDEOUT

if you need a little help affirming or maybe you love the affirmation in this episode, don't hesitate to grab a copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Affirmations and Call to Actions!

Join me on Instagram @SincerelySherrise or via my personal Instagram account @SherriseMarshalleck I'd love to say hi and engage a little. Don't be shy to take a screenshot of this episode or tag me in a picture of your journal sessions using the workbooks, which are available to download via

Please rate and review the Sincerely, Sherrise™ podcast. This is so helpful and would mean so much to my team and I. It only takes a few seconds. If you'd like to share your affirmations with the Sincerely, Sherrise™ team and I, feel free to head over to to submit your affirmations.

Additionally, head over to the blog for some provocative topics, personal journal entries and so much more via

Tune in to the latest Sincerely, Sherrise™ mixxx to catch a vibe over on Don't forget that the latest one just dropped yesterday. Learn more about INSIDEOUT: The World Tour of Wellness Experiences via As always, thank you so very much for tuning in and kickstarting your week with me.

Until next Monday, have an amazing and blessed week. Sincerely, Sherrise Ciao.