Sincerely, Sherrise

Activate YOUR ENERGY for Success

Sherrise Marshalleck

In this episode, Sherrise discusses the importance of activating and sustaining energy levels to accomplish goals and fully engage in meaningful experiences.

Providing 14 effective strategies to boost and maintain energy including: controlling stress, taking cold showers, eating nutritious meals, and getting restful sleep.

Sherrise encourages listeners to visualize and affirm high energy levels and to surround themselves with high vibrational people (HVPs).


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Have an amazing and blessed day! 

-Sincerely, Sherrise 


When you're on task, committed to your SMART goals and being loyal to the routines that get you closer to living the desires of your heart and living your best life, you'll be inspired

or shall I say motivated to work towards having the highest and most electric energy you've ever had before. Today, we'll be exploring how you can activate your energy and use it effectively to get ahead.

Being able to do anything you desire to do and arrive at that desire with the relevant amount of energy is key.

Fortunately, there's a way for us to activate our energy, which will allow us to show up as our best and most energized selves, no matter the occasion or time of day.

Hello, beautiful people. Welcome to Sincerely, Sherrise™ a podcast or shall I say a platform centered around wellness, self-care, personal development, creating a positive mindset and growth. 

I'm your host Sherrise Marshalleck author of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions. Consider me your friend and confidant.

Join me each and every Monday for your weekly dose of positivity. 

How you doing? How you feeling? Please say that you're feeling activated, energized and high vibrational.

Last week, I asked which book the following quote came from. "When you want something, the universe conspires in order for you to achieve it." 

The answer is... The Alchemist. 

If you answered correctly and have been selected, the Sincerely, Sherrise™ team will be in contact with you. Congratulations in advance. 

If you're interested in more Sincerely, Sherrise™ giveaways, please comment down below and let us know. We love a good giveaway. We love good goodies and we love to make you feel appreciated and loved. 

A few years ago, I read the following quote by Brandon Burchard "When you're abundant with energy, you can do anything. But remember, the power plant doesn't have energy. It generates energy."

Similar to when you're living through your purpose or ikigai you're likely to utilize your T-I-M-E wisely. The same applies to your energy levels. When you're on task, committed to your SMART goals and being loyal to the routines that get you closer to living the desires of your heart and living your best life, you'll be inspired or shall I say motivated to work towards having the highest and most electric energy you've ever had before. 

Today, we'll be exploring how you can activate your energy and use it effectively to get ahead.

Are you ready? Please say yes.

It's time to activate our energy. Let's activate our energy. starting today, starting right now. Let's go. Let's get it. being able to do anything you desire to do and arrive at that desire with the relevant amount of energy is key.

Have you ever been enthusiastic about an event or have the opportunity to attend that event and you get there and you realize you're too tired or sluggish to fully indulge? Comment down below, please let me know. How did this make you feel? Did you feel as if you were cheated out of the experience? Now, I know I've been there many times, but I'm also a modern day granny, so it comes with the territory. 

However, that's a story for another day.

Fortunately, there's a way for us to activate our energy, which will allow us to show up as our best and most energized selves, no matter the occasion or time of day.

Starting from today, we will be committed to activating and sustaining our energy levels to be able to accomplish each of the desires of our hearts and fully indulge in the experience with high vibes and unmatched energy.

Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? I'm currently reading a book by Nightingale Conant in collaboration with the staff at Entrepreneur Media Inc. And there's a chapter titled The Always On™ Process. In this chapter, the authors state that maintaining your energy over the long haul is key. 

They also identify 14 Effective Ways to Boost and Maintain our Energy and they are: control stress, take cold showers, take a coffee break, eat a light lunch, drink plenty of water, keep your body fueled, get physical, practice yoga and meditation, get some sun, take a stand or in other words stand up during your day, hang out with high energy people, mind your posture.

Get more restful sleep and cue your playlist. Give a thumbs up in the comments if you're a frequent listener to the Sincerely, Sherrise™ podcast. If you are, you will notice that you've already covered a lot of ground and that you are ahead of the game and may have already started implementing some of these energy boosting strategies.

Comment down below and let us know how you boost your energy and what methods have been most effective for you. Our weekly challenge is inspired by the Nightingale Conant team. Let's dive into how we can start activating our energy starting from today.

[Monday] Control Your Stress.

Try keeping a stress journal and start evaluating your stress. What's making you stressed or stressing you out and why? Complete this task daily for at least a week and identify any patterns that may be occurring and find ways to handle and or overcome your stress where applicable. Please remember to be kind to yourself and have grace. 

[Tuesday] Practice, Breath Work, Meditation, Visualization, Prayer, Mindfulness and or Yoga. Let's do it together and visualize having the most electric and high vibrational energy.

If you're seated, please sit with your hands in your lap. 

If you're laying down, lay flat on your back with your arms to the sides of your body. gently lighten your gaze and close your eyes. 

Take a deep breath. Inhale deeply for four to five seconds.

and exhale gently for four to five seconds also. 

Inhale for one, two, three, four, five, and exhale for one, two, three, four, five. 

As you inhale deeply and exhale gently, take in the current moment.

Visualize a time when you were activated and raring to go, when your energy levels were high, infectious and electrifying, or visualize having more energy and fuel than ever before. 

As you continue to inhale deeply and exhale gently, channel that energy and affirm it. How can you activate that energy starting

Today. Inhale for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

and exhale for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 

As you inhale deeply, welcome high vibrations into your life. 

And as you exhale gently, release anything that takes you away from activating that energy.

Continue inhaling deeply and exhaling gently. 

Focus your efforts on increasing your energy, being joyous, happy and active starting today. Be present in this moment and every moment that follows. 

Be grateful for this moment of stillness, presence and visualization. 

Before opening your eyes if and when you're ready, thank your mind, body and spirit for their loyalty.

[Wednesday] Take Cold Showers or Cold Plunges.

Lower the temperature in your shower to lukewarm or colder. I know, I know that is cold. It's got you shivering already. 

Not to worry though. 

You can start with a hot and steamy shower and lower the temperature gradually and indulge in your lukewarm or colder shower for 30 seconds. It's been said that indulging in a few moments of discomfort, you'll emerge feeling refreshed and energized.

If you're interested in graduating from cold showers, cold plunges are also an option. 

[Thursday] Greet the Sun, Dose up on Some Vitamin D. 

Try this. 

Greet the sun when you rise before switching on any lights, any artificial lights, go outside in nature and welcome the sun as your first light source when you rise.

If you can't go outside, you can just open the blinds or the windows or the curtains. 

Think of it as being or getting charged up. The sun is your energy source. Spend a few minutes in the bright and natural light. Do this throughout the day whenever you need a free energy boost. 

[Friday] Regulate Your Eating. 

Eat when you're hungry not just because you have a craving but when your stomach says "feed me, feed me" well that's what mine says at least! Try not to overeat by eating moderately

Eat electric, nutritious whole foods that are healthy, featuring protein and healthy fats. Try to eat lighter meals towards the end of your day, starting at lunchtime. 

Remember, the more you eat, the more your body will need to digest which will drain your energy and use a considerable amount of your valuable energy.

[Saturday] Hang Out with High Energy

People, HVPs as I call them, High Vibrational People. Do you have someone that you know who has the highest vibe or someone that inspires you to be the best version of yourself? 

That may just be the exact person you need to hang out with today. Schedule some QT, otherwise known as quality time, with that valued HVP. 

Enjoy yourself. Laugh.

Do all the laughing, do all the smiling and be joyous.

[Sunday] Get more restful sleep. 

Try de-stressing before you go to bed. Calm down and unwind from your day. Try a stretching or yoga routine. Maybe some deep breathing or breath work exercises that will relax your body. Sip on some tea, herbal tea specifically, and enjoy.

Get into your cozy feels. Listen to soothing sounds. Silence your phone or put it on do not disturb or even switch it off and put it in another room during your restful hours. Try to eat your last meal of the day at least three hours before you go to bed or rest. Reduce the lights in the room that you're gonna be sleeping in. Even the smallest light can impact and alter your sleep.

Switch off your electric devices, including your TV, and try your best to read something light and inspirational before going to bed, rather than watching or indulging in electronics. Reflect on what you're grateful for by identifying at least three things that you're grateful for Get cozy, create a restful space for your sleep, and indulge.

in this time. Honor it, treasure it and add that to your routine.

Here's a rule of thumb. The last thing or things that you ingest, whether it be food, media and or conversation will be the last thing that may be on your mind occupying your body and resting upon your spirit. Restful sleep is sleep that is dreamless and peaceful.

When we dream, we are thinking and we're often internalizing our thoughts, which also uses up energy. So try your best to have dreamless sleep and peaceful sleep.

Let us know which of the 14 Effective Strategies of Energy Generation you align with. 

Please comment down below. 

Say it with me and we're going to read from I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions. 

I AM... Energetic AND I WILL... Be active mentally, physically and spiritually.

Share this episode with at least three people. 

By doing that, you'll be inspiring them to be the best version of themselves and helping them to love and understand themselves from the INSIDEOUT If you need a little help affirming or maybe you love the affirmation in this episode, don't hesitate to grab a copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z or Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions. 

Join me on Instagram @SincerelySherrise or via my personal account @SherriseMarshalleck I'd love to say hi and engage a little.

Don't be shy to take a screenshot of this episode or tag me in a picture of your journal sessions using the workbooks, which are available to download via

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Additionally, head over to the blog for some provocative topics, personal journal entries and so much more via

Tune in to the latest mixxx to catch a vibe via Sincerely, Sherrise™ Learn more about INSIDEOUT: The World Tour of Wellness Experiences via As always, thank you so very much for kickstarting your week with me

Until next Monday, have yourself an amazing and blessed week. 

Sincerely, Sherrise™ Ciao.