Sincerely, Sherrise

7 Effective Steps to Becoming SELF-ASSURED: Lessons in FAITH!

Sherrise Marshalleck

Sherrise explores the importance of having faith (especially in yourself), identifying personal strengths, and setting actionable goals to start living the life of your desires; encouraging listeners to appreciate their unique qualities and contributions.

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Have an amazing and blessed day! 

-Sincerely, Sherrise 


Hello, beautiful people. 

Welcome to Sincerely, Sherrise™ a podcast or shall I say a platform centered around wellness, self-care, personal development, creating a positive mindset and growth. 

I'm your host Sherrise Marshalleck author of I AM AND I WILL:The A to Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions

Consider me your friend and confidant. 

Join me each and every Monday for your weekly dose of positivity.

How are you doing? How are you feeling? 

Please say that you're feeling ACTIVATED, HARMONIOUS, and SELF-REALIZED

When you hear the word faith, what comes to mind? 

Please comment down below. 

The dictionary defines faith as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. 

Today, I am here to empower you to have faith in yourself with hopes that I will give you some useful tips that will assist you in trusting the process of your existence and making amazing things happen throughout the course of your life. You deserve to live the life of your dreams and to indulge in the experiences that you desire and or visualize.

Learn how you can activate the fearless ability to internalize trust and harmony. In other words, how you can have faith in your own abilities starting today. 

Are you ready

Please say "yes.

Let's start the process by calming our minds. 

If you're seated, sit with your hands in your lap.

If you're laying down, lay flat on your back with your arms to the sides of your body if you're able. 

Gently lighten your gaze and close your eyes. 

Take a deep breath, inhaling deeply for four to five seconds. 

And exhale gently for four to five seconds also. 

Inhale for one, two, three, four, five, and exhale for one, two, three, four, five. 

Think back to a time in your life when you experienced a moment or moments of confidence, harmony, and or trust. Relive that moment or those moments and bring them to life as you visualize. 

Continue inhaling deeply.

And exhaling gently. 

Channel the feeling of being confident. 

Sit with this feeling for at least 60 seconds and repeat the following affirmation. I AM... Confident AND I WILL.. Be assertive and self-assured. 

Throughout this practice, continue inhaling for four to five seconds and exhaling for four to five seconds also. 

As you inhale deeply, invite trust and self-assurance into your life. 

And as you exhale gently, release limiting beliefs and anything or anyone that takes you away from having faith in yourself or trusting your process. 

Focus your efforts on being confident and having the fearless ability to internalize trust and harmony. 

Be present while calming your mind, indulging in breathwork and/or visualization. 

Be grateful for these precious moments of flow, stillness, presence and visualization. 

Before opening your eyes, if and when you're ready, thank your mind, body and spirit for their loyalty. 

Here are seven effective steps to becoming self-assured. 

Are you ready for the weekly challenge? 

Please say "yes."

[Monday] Identify and highlight your strengths

  • Grab a pen and a paper or a note-taking device. 
  • Set your timer for 10 to 15 minutes and in that time jot down each of your personal strengths and unique qualities. 

This may also include compliments or recognition that you've received. 

Try not to edit this list as you create it. The pro tip here is to use bullet points and or the brainstorm function. 

[Tuesday] Lean into your strengths

From the strengths list that you've just created, highlight three to five strengths that stand out to you the most. 

What are they? and Why have you chosen these specific qualities? 

Explore your thoughts in a journal entry or a personal note and be as descriptive as needed. Feel free to use the Five Whys Technique to get you closer to your core. It's a helpful method. So if you need to use it and you'd like to try it out, learn more via where I expand on the process. 

[Wednesday] Create SMART goals to enhance your strengths

Now that you've identified your strengths and selected the shortlist, it's time to double down.

More importantly, it's time to shine and be intentional about your strengths. Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound goals from the three to five strengths you've highlighted.

For instance, you may be a great listener and here's how you could enhance this strength. Maybe you choose to be more attentive during a conversation.

Your SMART goal then may be to approach each conversation with keen curiosity and to ask open-ended questions that will engage the people or person you're communicating with. Listening intently to their responses and relaying and recognizing what is being shared with you, allowing for a steady flow of communication and creating a valuable trust between you and each person you choose to communicate with.

[Thursday] Prioritize your SMART goals

Activate your strengths and take action. 

The time is now to put your SMART goals into good use. Take some time to prioritize the goals you set for yourself. In order of the ones you can activate immediately to others that you may need a little bit more time to actualize. Now that your list is prioritized, take immediate action.

Let's use the earlier example of you being a great listener. 

Throughout the course of your day today, be as attentive and curious during conversations as humanly possible and see what the results are. Please let me know how it goes. You can email me or the team. 

[Friday] Be kind and pay it forward

It's time to give a shout out to others who have strengths, qualities and attributes that impress you. 

Maybe you see someone being helpful. Why not highlight that and show them some love? 

Imagine how you feel when you receive a compliment or recognition. Feel free to pay it forward whenever you can. 

Share a compliment, recognize someone, show them some love.

[Saturday] Recognize Yourself

Activate some self appreciation because that is important too. Indulge in some personal recognition today. Similar to the gratitude list, create mini shout outs for yourself.

Reflect on your week of living in and through your strengths and acknowledge how you showed up in each situation. Reward yourself for being you. Maybe it's indulging in 15 minutes of meditation, visualization, or prayer, or exploring your thoughts via a journal entry, or it's a day out on the town. Ooh, maybe it's a dress up day. Ooh.

Whatever your self appreciation process is fully indulge. Consider today a day of self care, self love and self appreciation. 

[Sunday] Narrate your own story

Realize that there is only one you. Most honestly, that's your greatest strength and your superpower. Even if others share the same strengths as you. Your personal experiences differ from theirs, which gives you a unique advantage in your own life. 

The best part is the more you focus on your strengths and contributions is the less you'll be tempted to compare yourself to others. You are an active participant in your life and you contribute generously to the lives of others. 

Lean in to your authenticity and uniqueness and make sure that you chart your own path.

Say it with me! 

I AM... Faithful AND I WILL... live with a fearless ability to internalize trust and harmony, being loyal to myself, a key source of reliability in my own life. I will be unwavering in the actualization of my desired life and filled with confidence and self-assurance.

Share this episode with at least three people. By doing that, you'll be inspiring them to be the best version of themselves and helping them to love and understand themselves from the INSIDEOUT If you need a little help affirming,

Or maybe you love the affirmation in this episode! Grab a copy of I AM AND I WILL: The A-Z of Positive Affirmations and Call to Actions!

Join me on Instagram @SincerelySherrise or via my personal account @SherriseMarshalleck I'd love to say hi and engage a little. 

  • Don't be shy to take a screenshot of this episode or tag me in a picture of your journal sessions using the workbooks which are available to download via

    Please rate and review the Sincerely, Sherrise™ podcast. 
  • This is so helpful. It means so much to my team and I. It only takes a few seconds. If you'd like to share your affirmations with the Sincerely, Sherrise™ team and I, feel free to head over to to submit your affirmations.

    Additionally, head over to the blog for some provocative topics, personal journal entries, and so much more via 
  • Tune in to the latest Sincerely, Sherrise™ mixxx to catch a vibe, vibe, vibe, vibe, vibe, vibe via 

    Learn more about INSIDEOUT: The World Tour of Wellness Experiences via 

    As always, thank you so very much for tuning in and kickstarting your week with me. 
    Until next Monday, 

    Have yourself an amazing and blessed week. 

    Sincerely, Sherrise™. 
